Pictures Submitted by Mr. Frank Mittelmeier '56








The candidates are a group of students here at the school who have the intention of preparing for the religious life as members of the Third Order Regular either as priests or brothers. Under the capable direction of Father Colman the candidates have their own daily schedule of prayers, class, study and work. They are housed in the Seraphic Cottage and have their own chapel and dining hail facilities.  During the school day they attend classes with the regular prep students.  Two members of the class, Ronald Mittelrneier and Eugene Sweeney are seniors and will go into the Novitiate after graduation.
The candidates pictured here.   First row:  John Smith, Edward Hilscher, Claude Watson, Edward Schott, James Rosenbaum, Eugene Sweeny.  Second row: Warren Jansen, Jeffrey Kay, Daniel Stumpf, Donald McCloskey, Firmin Kodrick, Ronald Mittelmeier.

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