Pictures Submitted by Mr. Hector B. Garcia '48


(1946-47)  Fr Jude Gleeson (our Headmaster); Bro. Aloysius O'Hara;
Fr Norbert Martin; Fr Francis McKenny; Unknown??; Fr Marianus Lieb.

(Senior yr, 48) The guy being lifted up is Leo Taddeo, being held by Paul Schneider, left, and George Craemer, at right.

George Craemer, Jim Parrish, Basil Krivonyak, and Me.

(1946-47) Left to right, back row, Dave Meharg, Gil Obringer, Russ Krahnert; front row unknown, please advise.

Pete Clemens, Me, Joe Gildea.

Yours truly, Hector Garcia.

This is me trying to skate on the Gladfelter pond. The other is Joe Gildea laughing at me
because I was having such a rough time putting on the skates!



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